Caring Cove is proud to have postdoctoral clinicians on our staff. Postdoctoral clinicians have graduated with a doctoral degree in psychology from accredited universities and are granted a temporary permit to practice psychology by New Jersey’s State Board of Psychological Examiners. A temporary permit enables postdoctoral clinicians to work under the supervision of Dr. Lindsay Anderson as they work toward fulfilling New Jersey’s rigorous licensure requirements.
We believe there are many benefits to working with postdoctoral fellows:
- Postdoctoral fellows are available at a more affordable fee than other clinicians.
- Because postdoctoral fellows receive consistent weekly supervision and are frequently required to collaborate with other clinicians, clients under their care have the advantage of receiving input from multiple clinicians. This allows both you and your child to benefit from the knowledge and experience of multiple providers.
- Hiring postdoctoral fellows allows Caring Cove to ensure that future licensed psychologists are well-trained among the specific evidence-based techniques.
New Jersey’s Board of Psychological Examiners has ruled that advertising postdoctoral clinicians is prohibited. As such, our postdoctoral clinicians are not listed individually on our website. We are happy to provide more specific information about our postdoctoral clinicians with you to determine if a clinician is an appropriate fit for your needs. Additionally, Dr. Anderson is available for a free consultation call if you have specific questions before committing to working with a postdoctoral fellow and/or questions throughout the treatment process.